If there's a guy that makes you smile, and makes you wish you could hug him tightly, then he will probably be here. A cute guy is just lovable ...
Top 10 in our Opinion: NO PARTICULAR ORDER
Tamein (SHINee)
The maknae of SHINee has been described as clueless by his members, he is innocent and beautiful (while offstage...onstage he is the sexiest dancer ever).
credit to candiixoxo1ly
Henry Lau (Super Junior-M) & Ryeowook (Super Junior)
Ryeowook can really pull the maknae image trough, even after his place has been taken by fellow member Kyuhyun, he is quite beautiful and has a sweet voice.
Henry is the maknae of Super Junior M. He is funny and very talented. His most attractive characteristic is his smile, ha can be considered Super Juniors little brother.
credit candiixoxo1ly & DalshiDiva
G-Dragon (Big Bang)
This idol has charisma, is talented, and is good looking. The tie breaker, that makes him cute, is the fact that even though hes many things, he is sometimes a dork (in the best possible ways). <3 Hes really lovable.
credit to TheJHJlover
Kevin (Ukiss)
Kevin is beautiful as a guy, and even as a girl (watch star king, Kevin turns into SNSD Jessica), he is also charismatic and has enviable facial expressions.
credit to bluejaymiesky3a
Sungmin (Super Junior)
What he says in the video really shows how he thinks. A man who is not afraid of saying he likes pink, but defends it!
Neil (Teen Top)
Who wouldn't fall in love after seeing his expression at 2:34. They had barely debuted recently and he made a mistake ... while being the lead dancer.
credit to darkgirlhp
Yoseob (Beast)
Miss A's Suzy called him her ideal man, after stating she loves cute guys. Yoseob loves to overreact, he is just so cute.
Minhyuk (CN Blue)
The boy with the best eye smile out there. He is extremely talented at the drums and looks so cool when performing. His attitude is charming but his beautiful looks are what truly make him cute.

Hongki (FTisland)
Hongki is just so energetic! He and Eunhyuk (Super Junior) complement each other with their outgoing voices. His speech is always dynamic and is easily recognizable.
i love your blog!
ReplyDeleteThanks !!!
We really try hard ^.^
this blog should be the top 10 uglist guys in kpop ever
ReplyDeleteSeriously?!? Heheh... You should watch one episode of AN.jell with Hongki as Jeremy... <3
DeleteI don't really know about the others, but while they don't really appeal to me, ugly they most certainly are not.
i love this! totally all my cutest guys are up here!
ReplyDeleteTaemiiiin ♥♥ He really is clueless... of how adroable he is! ♥
ReplyDeleteI love how you mentioned G-Dragon! Though he really is Mr. Swag, he's also extremely cute!
...You forgot UKiss' Dongho, and you should have added Onew for his dorkiness :P
Then get out, we don't want you here, little troll.
ReplyDeleteNot g dragon
ReplyDeleteMinhyuk is so Hot!!
ReplyDeleteOHHHH TAEMINNIE OPPA SO CUTE !!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
ReplyDeleteGo to hell. KPOP IS THE BEST. if you don't like these HOT guys then why are you here? why provoke us crazy fans by writing that comment?! u know that most people will disagree you. keep your useless opinions to yourself and go listen to your justin beiber and one direction. >.>
ReplyDeleteKim hyun joong?
ReplyDeleteNo Min Woo from BOYFRIEND !!!
ReplyDeleteNo Min Woo from BOYFRIEND !!!
ReplyDeleteYou do realize this post was made before Boyfriend debuted